Use "near|neared|nearing|nears" in a sentence

1. Mergers & Acquisitions EXCLUSIVE-Germany's Allianz nears $2.9 bln deal for Aviva Poland -sources German insurer Allianz is nearing a 2.5 billion euro ($2.94 billion) deal to buy Aviva's Polish

2. The harvest season nears.

3. We're nearing Medusa's lair.

4. Scene 7 In church, as strike date nears.

5. The film is nearing completion.

6. The road is nearing completion .

7. We cheered as he neared the finish line.

8. The crisis neared a critical point last week.

9. APPROACH The project is nearing completion.

10. The new houses are nearing completion .

11. She is a woman nearing forty.

12. Nearing Birmingham, Crilly grows maudlin.

13. The work is nearing completion.

14. As half time neared, Hardyman almost scored twice.

15. As we neared the summit, we were tiring fast.

16. As we neared the center, we saw the pendulum clearly.

17. May we remain alert, active, as the end nears.

18. Weir missed his footing as they neared the door.

19. He's nearing the seaport of Brundusium.

20. The hydroelectric station is nearing completion.

21. 19 The land flattened out as we neared the coast.

22. Bunkered Script Order Now Somewhere near the coast in Britain is a Naval Intelligence Cold War Bunker, manned by four naval personnel nearing retirement

23. Tensions mount as the Soviet missile ship nears Cuba.

24. HBO's Ballers is nearing its end zone.

25. The job is at last nearing completion.

26. As Noah neared his 600th year, he dealt with losses.

27. I'm pleased to say the project is nearing completion.

28. 14 Nevins is nearing 40 but still looks boyish.

29. Rain - washed and windswept , sumac brightens as it nears peak season.

30. The aircraft was nearing obsolescence by early 19

31. They were nearing Nauvoo when they reached a river.

32. As soon as the shark neared the electrodes, it viciously attacked them.

33. Accession negotiations with Croatia are nearing the final phase.

34. Some privatised stocks are nearing their sell-by date.

35. The sun was nearing the steeple of George's church.

36. "Captain America: Civil War trailer nears 100 million views in 24 hours".

37. 5 Don't let down even if you're nearing the destination.

38. As she neared the door, Amy felt a growing sense of unease.

39. The renovation of the theatre is now nearing completion.

40. Preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games are nearing completion.

41. As Christmas nears, Caribou plans to provide a Turkey menu to greet the season.

42. Afforestation and reforestation rates nearing 10% of total area

43. But as the centennial neared, he approached Fred with quite a secular proposition.

44. 1 The renovation of the theatre is now nearing completion.

45. As she nears Greg's father's bungalow, she sees the blue transit drive away.

46. As it nears a nuclear capability, Iran can afford to play for time.

47. Translations that are currently nearing completion will not have drafts published.

48. When Joseph finally neared Dothan, his brothers saw him coming from a distance.

49. But as the new league year nears, so does a gap in the Cornerback's salary.

50. “Distractions,” said The Watchtower of September 15, 1958, “will likely increase as this world nears its doom.”

51. A lion that slowly nears its prey is an example of a slow Approach.

52. As the system neared the Bay of Campeche, convection quickly developed around the low.

53. 10 She neared the crest of a hillock and was soon out of sight.

54. Nearing the border, we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by Greek soldiers.

55. So Jehovah’s toleration of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end.

56. JESUS’ three-and-a-half-year ministry was nearing its end.

57. When the temperature nears pets can get overheated even when riding in air-conditioned cars.

58. As the winter of 986 C.E. neared, he returned to Iceland with a full cargo.

59. 13 She neared the 22 crest of a hillock and was soon out of sight.

60. With a presidential election nearing, Republican challenger Ronald Reagan campaigned against the sale.

61. As the typhoon neared the coastline of Philippines, the entire nation was put on red alert.

62. The apostle John was told that as the time of judgment nears, two types of ripening will take place.

63. Stock Market Dive Commences - DOW down 200 this morning as the honeymoon nears an end

64. Yet, as Satan’s system nears its end, we can expect the issue of neutrality to become more prominent.

65. The islands became more self-consciously Greek as the 19th century, the century of romantic nationalism, neared.

66. As the exhibition neared readiness, it appeared that Basquiat seemed most likely to survive this triage process.

67. The paths were laid by two stonemasons, nearing the end of their sentences.

68. The water becomes lighter as it nears the freezing point and remains as a layer above the warmer water beneath.

69. As he nears home, his father takes the positive step of welcoming him, even holding a feast.

70. In addition, a bill concerning implementation of the Rome Statute is nearing completion.

71. Ascending, Facu Campazzo buzzing and Jamal Murray unplugging as trade deadline nears Share this: Click to …

72. The deadline of the promise that the dragonfly made to God was nearing fast .

73. 7 As the Gentile Times neared their end, newspapers were used to publish Bible sermons delivered by Brother Russell.

74. Finally, four days after Lazarus’ death, Martha heard that Jesus was nearing the town.

75. ( Man ) As a man nears orgasm, his balls will tighten and you'II feel his penis start to pulse.

76. The density of the atmosphere traversed by the meteor increases very rapidly as it nears the ground.

77. What sealing work is nearing its end, and what other work is going on apace?

78. Hydrogen sulphide emits a foul smell which is commonly felt when nearing rivers and streams .

79. Filming is nearing completion in Houston, where cast and crew have been toiling since November.

80. Synonyms for Approached include advanced, came, come, neared, closed, came closer, come closer, drew close, drawn close and drew closer